Unfortunately with being dumped and not knowing who the parents were there is only a guess as to what breed she is. The rescue told us perhaps German Shepherd and lab, which in her we can see the gsd but not lab too much, but in at least one of her siblings looked like a lab. My husband and I believe that perhaps she might be part pit or boxer, but its all speculation. We have a pretty good idea that she will be a pretty big girl just by the size of her paws.
we believe her to be just shy of 12 weeks at the point. We have had her for about 3 weeks now and she is growing fast. She has been doing well as far as potty training, only a few accidents thankfully in the 3 weeks we've had her.
She sleeps well through the night which we are all grateful for. We do have to laugh every night at her though. She knows when it is bedtime. We take her out for her last potty and comes in and runs up the stairs. She sleeps in the bedroom with my husband and I in her crate. Once in her crate, in her bed, that's when then fun starts, she goes CRAzy! Jumping around, digging in her bed, chewing and growling at her toys. Every now and again barking at them. She also attempts to chew her way out of her crate either by biting the bars or attempting to bite thru the lettering on the crate bottom.. smh..
We are beginning to believe that this dog ain't right.. in the head that is..
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