Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I could not imagine getting anything but a rescue dog.  We knew from the beginning that when we did get a dog it would be 1 of 2 things.
1. she would be from a rescue or from the SPCA
2. It would have to be a puppy.
We couldn't see paying to get a pure breed. We both agreed that although purebreds are supposedly the top notch and great as bragging rights but we've also heard that purebreds tend to have more health problems.
Soooooo we figured again that a mixed mutt would be the best bet for us. All the mutts we knew thru the years were always the best. Especially my parents mutt they used to have.  She was a true mutt and such a great dog.
We Had to get a puppy as young as we could get because of the fact we have 2 little girls and i would be too afraid that if we got an older dog, you never know what kind of life she would have had previous.. so it was no brainer that we would get a puppy.
WE haven't fully adopted her yet till that takes place. We are currently a foster to adopt. I think that its a great idea for OARWNY to do that. When you get your pup, you have to sign 2 contracts. one being the regular adoption contract and the other a foster to adopt contract. If for some reason you don't follow thru with getting the pup fixed they can come and take the pup away. OARWNY is a 100% spay/neuter rescue.
She will eventually getting fixed. I'm waiting to hear when I have to take her. The cost was being covered by the cost of the adoption. woo hoo!
Then I look at friends of mine who have just adopted a pure bred toy poodle. It had to be purebred, and the spent twice what we paid. Ugg why pay that much just to have some breeder have another litter when there are sooooo many pups out there in shelter that need homes??? It drives me crazy.
Please if you are looking for a pet look for a shelter pet first. Also make sure you get your pet fixed so that more animals are brought into this world when so many are being put to death just because they were born.


  1. He looks awesome in this picture.

  2. Great picture! We've been talking about possibly adopting a dog when our boys are a bit older. :)

