Ive never known a dog to be so damn gassy. She has the weirdest quirks. She burps, farts of course, she gets the hiccups!
Ive never known a dog to get the hiccups!! its so funny to watch. She will just look at me like "ummmm why am I doing this????"
She burps. Like serious burps.. We will usually sit with her and pet her touch her feet and everything else while she eats to get her so she is not protective of her food because of the girls. well my poor husband was sitting with her last night and she finishes up her food and goes to attempt to sit in my husbands lap like she is a little lap dog. From the time we have gotten her shes been to big to be a lap dog, but she tries. lol well here my husband being the person he is tries to pet and give her some love, and what does she do??? yup burp in his face. Not once, not twice but maybe 3 or 4 times Lol.
she farts. i think all dogs do.. but as with most dogs Ive known they are SBD (Silent but deadly). I cant think how many times know she has let one go, and I end up getting up and looking around because I swear she has crapped in the house. but no just a fart LOL.
Gotta love dogs with gas problems Lol
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Poor Puppers
Ahh our poor little puppers is not feeling well today. She went with her daddy this am to the drs to get her boosters.. she has been not her usual pain in the butt, box of rocks self. This side of her breaks my heart almost. she is soo mopey.
Poor little girl i patted her as I always do and must have hit where she got her shot bc she yelped. :(
She has been quiet today and very lethargic, but I suppose that is the typical when anyone gets shots. Even my other girls, are a bit not themselves when they get their vacs. Oh yes I even vaccinate my human kids. How could I not?? I know there is a lot of controversy over it. But hey I was vaccinated as was my hubs when we were kids, and we lived thru it unscathed. I know my girls, all of them, will too.
As I type the mighty P is sleeping at my feet. I adore my little girl, I wish even for her I could make it better for her. You can see it in her eyes how miserable she is. She was having the worst time trying to sit. I guess her poor little but hurts that much, not that she got shot in the butt but I guess it was far enough back that it is making her little butt hurt :( I'm grateful she has not gotten sick to her stomach.
Well tomorrow will be another day. I imagine that she will be back to her normal obnoxious self :)
Poor little girl i patted her as I always do and must have hit where she got her shot bc she yelped. :(
She has been quiet today and very lethargic, but I suppose that is the typical when anyone gets shots. Even my other girls, are a bit not themselves when they get their vacs. Oh yes I even vaccinate my human kids. How could I not?? I know there is a lot of controversy over it. But hey I was vaccinated as was my hubs when we were kids, and we lived thru it unscathed. I know my girls, all of them, will too.
As I type the mighty P is sleeping at my feet. I adore my little girl, I wish even for her I could make it better for her. You can see it in her eyes how miserable she is. She was having the worst time trying to sit. I guess her poor little but hurts that much, not that she got shot in the butt but I guess it was far enough back that it is making her little butt hurt :( I'm grateful she has not gotten sick to her stomach.
Well tomorrow will be another day. I imagine that she will be back to her normal obnoxious self :)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I could not imagine getting anything but a rescue dog. We knew from the beginning that when we did get a dog it would be 1 of 2 things.
1. she would be from a rescue or from the SPCA
2. It would have to be a puppy.
We couldn't see paying to get a pure breed. We both agreed that although purebreds are supposedly the top notch and great as bragging rights but we've also heard that purebreds tend to have more health problems.
Soooooo we figured again that a mixed mutt would be the best bet for us. All the mutts we knew thru the years were always the best. Especially my parents mutt they used to have. She was a true mutt and such a great dog.
We Had to get a puppy as young as we could get because of the fact we have 2 little girls and i would be too afraid that if we got an older dog, you never know what kind of life she would have had previous.. so it was no brainer that we would get a puppy. WE haven't fully adopted her yet till that takes place. We are currently a foster to adopt. I think that its a great idea for OARWNY to do that. When you get your pup, you have to sign 2 contracts. one being the regular adoption contract and the other a foster to adopt contract. If for some reason you don't follow thru with getting the pup fixed they can come and take the pup away. OARWNY is a 100% spay/neuter rescue.
She will eventually getting fixed. I'm waiting to hear when I have to take her. The cost was being covered by the cost of the adoption. woo hoo!
Then I look at friends of mine who have just adopted a pure bred toy poodle. It had to be purebred, and the spent twice what we paid. Ugg why pay that much just to have some breeder have another litter when there are sooooo many pups out there in shelter that need homes??? It drives me crazy.
Please if you are looking for a pet look for a shelter pet first. Also make sure you get your pet fixed so that more animals are brought into this world when so many are being put to death just because they were born.
1. she would be from a rescue or from the SPCA
2. It would have to be a puppy.
We couldn't see paying to get a pure breed. We both agreed that although purebreds are supposedly the top notch and great as bragging rights but we've also heard that purebreds tend to have more health problems.
Soooooo we figured again that a mixed mutt would be the best bet for us. All the mutts we knew thru the years were always the best. Especially my parents mutt they used to have. She was a true mutt and such a great dog.
We Had to get a puppy as young as we could get because of the fact we have 2 little girls and i would be too afraid that if we got an older dog, you never know what kind of life she would have had previous.. so it was no brainer that we would get a puppy. WE haven't fully adopted her yet till that takes place. We are currently a foster to adopt. I think that its a great idea for OARWNY to do that. When you get your pup, you have to sign 2 contracts. one being the regular adoption contract and the other a foster to adopt contract. If for some reason you don't follow thru with getting the pup fixed they can come and take the pup away. OARWNY is a 100% spay/neuter rescue.
She will eventually getting fixed. I'm waiting to hear when I have to take her. The cost was being covered by the cost of the adoption. woo hoo!
Then I look at friends of mine who have just adopted a pure bred toy poodle. It had to be purebred, and the spent twice what we paid. Ugg why pay that much just to have some breeder have another litter when there are sooooo many pups out there in shelter that need homes??? It drives me crazy.
Please if you are looking for a pet look for a shelter pet first. Also make sure you get your pet fixed so that more animals are brought into this world when so many are being put to death just because they were born.
Monday, July 18, 2011
"i think she is confused" my husband calls from the other room.
"Who is confused?" being all female in the house with the exception of my husband and our beta fish, I wasn't really sure who he was talking about.
"The dog", "umm ok why is the dog confused??" I ask.
"She is trying to hump my leg..." My husband snickers from the other room.
Of course I have to laugh at this. Why I don't know. I never realized that female dogs try to hump you like males do.
She only likes to hump my husbands leg or arm. LOL
To make things more interesting, the dog like to eat the carpet.. So of course this has to bring the comments from my husband, "the dog is a carpet muncher!" or "I think the dog is gender confused" LOL..
Go figure.. Dumb dog is all I can say!..
"Who is confused?" being all female in the house with the exception of my husband and our beta fish, I wasn't really sure who he was talking about.
"The dog", "umm ok why is the dog confused??" I ask.
"She is trying to hump my leg..." My husband snickers from the other room.
Of course I have to laugh at this. Why I don't know. I never realized that female dogs try to hump you like males do.
She only likes to hump my husbands leg or arm. LOL
To make things more interesting, the dog like to eat the carpet.. So of course this has to bring the comments from my husband, "the dog is a carpet muncher!" or "I think the dog is gender confused" LOL..
Go figure.. Dumb dog is all I can say!..
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Not the sharpest tool in the shed
I know puppies are babies, and in turn babies aren't that smart, but I would think that babies, animal babies in general tend to have some common sense. This dog however I think was born with out it. I just don't understand.
We keep her on a leash because it was suggested to by a few people until she is housebroken. well she must forget or just doesn't get the concept because she constantly chokes herself. smh. she tries to jump at things, (bugs, people, imaginary things) and then gets pulled back to the ground by her leash. HELLO!!! DOPEY DOG!!! you cant do that! Now don't get me wrong I don't sit here and keep her on a short leash, she is on a normal leash and I give her a fair enough amount of room to run but she still runs at something and again ends up going ass over end.
For example. When my 2 daughters and I are outside, we put her out on her outside leash which is about 30 ft. i will play fetch with her and what not. When I throw her the ball, I throw it with in the length of her leash, she will run after the ball grab it and yet keep running to the end of her run where her head stops and her ass end keeps going, or she will grab the ball and her head stops and she forgets to stop her back half so she like runs over her head with her back end, almost like doing a somersault.. very amusing to watch.
She Jumps like a rabbit. a good 3 ft straight up. she is Ms. Dumass.. LOL She may not be bright but she is a good dog ... She like to protect her people and her home. She barks at anyone or anything that comes near.. as long as they have already gone past and are out of reach or behind a fence. LOL. The first day she was here, she met our cat, Smokey.
Now a little back ground on Smokey. She is roughly 10ish years old, I've lost track how old she is unfortunately but she is roughly about that. She was always timid as a kitten and then became a miserable mean SOB as she got older. We have recently moved and she has become the most sweetest thing you've ever met. We don't understand, and we aren't really sure we want to because we like the new Smokey :)
Anyways, we kinda figured that the cat and the puppy were not going to get along well. To begin with there was no issues. I was shocked beyond belief that they were getting along. They smelled each other, one sat on one side of me and one on the other side of me. Well once my husband came home a few hours later we brought our new little bundle of joy into the living room. well as soon as she was on the other side of the gate she proceeded to bark and yelped and carried on as soon as she saw the cat. LOL. My husband has lovingly nicknamed her the bubble punk.
Another great example of her great bravery, we went out for a walk with her, into a crowd of people. She did real well no issues which we were grateful for. There was a band playing and we stopped for a listen when this larger dog went walking by. Our little protector hid behind my husbands legs till the dog went by the "WOOF WOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK" started once the dog was long past. I said I think we should rename her Courage.. SMH.. Same when a shady looking guy walked by LOL..
Gotta Love our guard dog :) My husband wants to get a sign for the house. But instead of getting your typical "beware of Guard dog" he wants to get "Beware of Dumb Dog" LOL
We love our Panz!
Friday, July 15, 2011

Unfortunately with being dumped and not knowing who the parents were there is only a guess as to what breed she is. The rescue told us perhaps German Shepherd and lab, which in her we can see the gsd but not lab too much, but in at least one of her siblings looked like a lab. My husband and I believe that perhaps she might be part pit or boxer, but its all speculation. We have a pretty good idea that she will be a pretty big girl just by the size of her paws.
we believe her to be just shy of 12 weeks at the point. We have had her for about 3 weeks now and she is growing fast. She has been doing well as far as potty training, only a few accidents thankfully in the 3 weeks we've had her.
She sleeps well through the night which we are all grateful for. We do have to laugh every night at her though. She knows when it is bedtime. We take her out for her last potty and comes in and runs up the stairs. She sleeps in the bedroom with my husband and I in her crate. Once in her crate, in her bed, that's when then fun starts, she goes CRAzy! Jumping around, digging in her bed, chewing and growling at her toys. Every now and again barking at them. She also attempts to chew her way out of her crate either by biting the bars or attempting to bite thru the lettering on the crate bottom.. smh..
We are beginning to believe that this dog ain't right.. in the head that is..
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